
Zpark: A Bot for Cisco Spark and Zabbix

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Table of Contents



System Requirements

Third-party Software Requirements

Network Requirements

The Zpark software requires the following protocols/ports to operate:

Block Diagram

In order to provide some context to all the detail you’re about to read, here’s an architecture diagram showing how all the pieces fit together.

Zpark Block Diagram


The following sections will describe how to install Zpark and get it up and running.

Before beginning, please ensure the system and software requirements above are satisfied by installing all necessary software packages as per whatever method your UNIX-like operating system uses. Instructions for installing the Python modules are below.

Create a Spark User Account and Bot Account

Visit www.ciscospark.com, navigate to the “Sign In” page and create your free account. If you already have a Spark account, go ahead and log in.

Once you’ve logged into your account (using the browser, not the desktop app), visit developer.ciscospark.com, and navigate to the “My Apps” tab. Click the “+” button and choose to create a bot. Give your bot a display name, a username, and provide a URL to the icon that will be used for your bot’s avatar.

Creating a new Cisco Spark bot

Carefully copy the access token that is generated for your bot. You will need this token in the next step.

Download and Configure Zpark

This is optional but highly recommended: create a dedicated, non-privileged user account to run the bot. This account need only exist on the server where you will be running the bot. The rest of the documentation will assume the following user exists:

As the _zpark user, clone the Zpark git repo into /home/zpark:

% cd /home/zpark
% git clone https://github.com/knightjoel/zpark.git

If you aren’t a git user or don’t have git installed, you can also download the latest release.

This is optional but highly recommended: use the Python virtualenv tool to create an isolated Python environment for Zpark. And since you’re at it, you might as well use the virtualenvwrapper tools to make managing your isolated Python environments a bit easier:

% pip install --user virtualenvwrapper
% mkdir ~/venvs
% export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python3.6"
% export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/usr/local/bin/virtualenv-3
% export WORKON_HOME="$HOME/venvs"
% source ~/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
% mkvirtualenv zpark

You may need to adjust the above paths to suit your operating system.

Now install the required Python packages. If you’re using an isolated Python environment, make sure you activate the environment first.

% workon zpark        # activate your venvironment
% cd ~/zpark
% pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Zpark by copying the default config file to app.cfg and then modifying it. The app.cfg file must be located in the top-level zpark directory.

% cd /home/zpark/zpark
% cp zpark/default_settings.py app.cfg

The app.cfg file is parsed as Python code so Python syntax must be applied!

The following settings must be configured:

The Zpark bot is now configured!

Configure RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ needs some basic configuration so that Zpark can successfully submit and retrieve tasks. The example below is based on the example in the Celery documentation. Each line below is a command that must be run as a user with administrative privilege in RabbitMQ.

Create a RabbitMQ account and assign it a password:

# rabbitmqctl add_user zpark <password>

Create a RabbitMQ virtual host for Zpark:

# rabbitmqctl add_vhost zpark

Grant the zpark user full permissions on the vhost:

# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p zpark zpark ".*" ".*" ".*"

Take note: The username, password and vhost you choose here will become part of the CELERY_BROKER_URL config parameter.

Configure Gunicorn and nginx

The Zpark bot is implemented as a web service that provides an API and therefore requires an HTTP daemon in order to function. Gunicorn is used to run the actual application code and nginx (or your HTTP daemon of choice) is used to provide flow control, SSL/TLS, access control, and so on. The nginx daemon will receive incoming requests from clients and proxy them to the Gunicorn daemon where the Zpark application is running.

Configure Gunicorn by copying the template config and modifing it as needed. If you’re following this guide as-is, the file shouldn’t require much, if any, modification:

% cd /home/zpark/zpark
% cp gunicorn.conf.py.template gunicorn.conf.py
% $EDITOR gunicorn.conf.py

Add Gunicorn to your process monitor (which this document assumes is Supervisor). Add the following to Supervisor’s configuration making sure to modify it to suit the filesystem paths you’ve been using so far:

command=/home/zpark/venvs/zpark/bin/gunicorn zpark:app -c /home/zpark/zpark/gunicorn.conf.py

Reload the Supervisor config and Gunicorn/Zpark should now be running:

# supervisorctl reread
# ps -axo pid,command | grep zpark
68972 /home/zpark/venvs/zpark/bin/python3.6 /home/zpark/venvs/zpark/bin/gunicorn zpark:app -c /home/zpark/zpark/gunicorn.conf.py
80720 /home/zpark/venvs/zpark/bin/python3.6 /home/zpark/venvs/zpark/bin/gunicorn zpark:app -c /home/zpark/zpark/gunicorn.conf.py

Use the nginx config snippet below to either: build a new server config block or add a new location block to an existing server. This config is not enough on its own to fully configure nginx; you will need to integrate this example into your fully built nginx.conf. Since you’re looking at nginx.conf anyways, I recommend you read the Pitfalls and Common Mistakes guidance document in order to ensure your configuration is following best practice.

location /zpark {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_pass http://zpark.app;
upstream zpark.app {
	server unix:/tmp/gunicorn.zpark.sock fail_timeout=0;

(Re)start nginx and ensure there are no errors. You should now be able to browse to the /zpark/api/v1/ping URL (or just /api/v1/ping if you are running Zpark at the top level of the nginx vhost) and receive a message indicating you didn’t provide the correct credentials (with an HTTP status code 401) in JSON format. If you see such a message, then nginx, Gunicorn, and Supervisor are all working correctly!

If you recieve a “Bad Gateway (502)” error, ensure that Gunicorn is running and that both Gunicorn and nginx are using the same fully qualified path to the .sock file.

Install the Alert Script on the Zabbix Server

Zabbix cannot natively talk to the Zpark bot’s API but Zabbix can be configured to run a shell script in response to an alert and the script can then talk to the Zpark API.

Copy the zpark_alert.sh script to the Zabbix server and put it in the directory that is configured as the Zabbix AlertScriptsPath.

# grep AlertScriptsPath /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
# cp /home/zpark/zpark/zpark_alert.sh /etc/zabbix/scripts

Make sure that the script has read and execute permissions for the user that the Zabbix server process runs as.

# chown _zabbix /etc/zabbix/scripts/zpark_alert.sh
# chmod 500 /etc/zabbix/scripts/zpark_alert.sh

Edit the zpark_alert.sh file and set the following variables:

Configure Zabbix

Now configure Zabbix to utilize the alert script in order to send alerts to Zpark.

Create a new media type by logging into the Zabbix web UI and navigating to Administration > Media types. Create a new media type named Zpark with the following settings:

Zabbix media types

It’s important the the media settings be entered exactly as shown and in the order that’s shown.

Create a Zabbix user account which will represent a Spark user and will define things like the notification schedule for the Spark user and severity level(s) the user should be notified about. Alternatively, if you already have a Zabbix user account that you want to add Spark notifications to, just skip the part about adding a new account and jump to the part about adding new media to the user.

If you want Zpark notifications to be sent to a Spark room, still go ahead and create a Zabbix user per the instructions below. Since Zabbix sends alerts to its “users”, you’ll have to create a user to represent the Spark room.

If you want Zpark notifications to be sent to multiple users, multiple rooms, or a combination of both, create 1 Zabbix user for each user/room.

Create the Zabbix user by navigating to Administration > Users. Choose to “create user” and add them to the appropriate group(s). If this account is for notification only and not meant to be a login account to Zabbix, add the account to the Read Only group and nothing more. Also ensure Auto-login is off and set a password on the account.

Zabbix new user

Click over to the Media tab and click Add (inside the Media box, not on the button). Choose Zpark in the dropdown and then set the Send to field to the email address that your user uses to sign into their Cisco Spark account. It’s important this field is correct otherwise the user will not receive any messages.

To setup notifications to a Spark room, you need to fill the Send to field with the unique roomId for the room. The roomId isn’t exposed in the Spark client, so follow these steps to retrieve it:

  1. In your Spark client, add your Zpark bot to the room that you want to receive notifications in.
  2. Go to the CLI on the server where Zpark is running and execute the show_spark_rooms.py script:

     % workon zpark        # activate your venvironment
     % cd /home/zpark/zpark
     % python cli/show_spark_rooms.py
     Zpark has been invited to the following Spark rooms:
     "My Zpark Room"
     roomId: Y2lz......
  3. Copy and paste the roomId value into the Send to field in the Zabbix UI.
  4. Create a new Zabbix user and repeat steps 1-3 for each room that you want to receive notifications in.

When you’ve finished with the email address or room ID for the user, you may optionally modify the schedule and severity information.

Zabbix new user

When finished with the media, click Add and then click the Add button back on the Media tab.

Zabbix user media

Lastly, configure a new action by browsing to Configuration > Actions and clicking on the “Create action” button. Fill out the action as follows:

Zabbix action

On the operations tab, modify the Default subject and Default message settings as you see fit. Most importantly though, click the New link in the “Operations” box.

Zabbix action

Click the Add link in the “Send to Users” box and select the Zabbix user you created earlier. All of the other operational detail options can be left at defaults. Click the Add link once again to add the operation to the alert.

Zabbix action

Click over to the “Recovery operations” tab and click the New link in the “Operations” box. In the Operation type drop-down, select Send recovery message. Click the Add link once again to add the operation to the alert.

Zabbix action

Save the action by clicking on the Add button. The Zpark Alert action should now be shown in the list of system actions.

Zabbix action

For information on how alerts and actions can be customized, check out the sections in the Zabbix manual that deal with events and notifications upon events.

Create Spark Webhooks

A webhook is what Spark uses to notify Zpark that a command has been issued. A webhook is just an HTTP POST that’s sent to Zpark that contains information such as what the command was, who sent it, etc. If a webhook is not configured, Zpark will not be able to respond to any commands issued by Spark users.

There is a CLI script that comes with Zpark that will create a webhook. You can run this script as the _zpark user:

% workon zpark        # activate your venvironment
% cd /home/zpark/zpark/cli
% python create_spark_webhook.py

The details of the new webhook will be displayed but that’s for informational purposes only; you needn’t record or do anything with that information.

The webhook will be configured to use the URL stored in the ZPARK_SERVER_URL configuration setting which is why it’s important to ensure the accuracy of this setting.

There are additional scripts in the cli directory to show all configured webhooks (show_spark_webhooks.py) and delete a webhook (delete_spark_webhook.py).

Test Notifications

If everything has gone well up to this point, you’re ready to test! Before you start:

In order to complete the test, you need to trigger an alert in Zabbix. You can do this using one of these methods:

If you chose to use an already configured trigger, go ahead and trip it. You should shortly receive a new direct message in your Spark client from the Zpark bot informing you of the alert.

If you wish to use the testing trigger, download the zbx_zpark_test_alert_template.xml file and import it into Zabbix on the Configuration > Templates screen. A new template called Template Zpark Test Alert will be created.

Zabbix template

Edit the template and assign a UNIX machine to the template.

Zabbix template

In order to trigger the test alert, log into the server and create a file named /tmp/zparktest. Within 30 seconds an alarm will be raised and shortly after that you should receive a new direct message from the Zpark bot informing you of the alarm. Delete the /tmp/zparktest file and the bot will soon notify you that the alarm has cleared.

Test Bot Commands

Test that Zpark will respond to your commands by starting a 1-on-1 Spark conversation with the bot and issuing a command such as show status. Zpark should respond within a few seconds with some Zabbix status information.

Repeat the test but this time in a multi-person Spark space. Make sure you remember to “at-mention” the bot this time: the Spark security architecture requires that bots be “at-mentioned” otherwise the bot will not “see” the command. Example:

@zparkbot show status


show status
zparkbot show status
@zparkbot, show status
@zparkbot: show status

Troubleshooting: If the 1-on-1 room test doesn’t work:

If the 1-on-1 room test works but the multi-person room does not:

Zpark Commands

This is a list of commands that Zpark supports: